Nomadic Life

Nomadic life with… Alejandro Tabilo

The Chilean plays this Sunday with Djokovic in Rome

May 12, 2024

ATP Tour

By Staff

One of Alejandro Tabilo’s favorite countries is Italy, and tennis has been his best excuse to get to know it. During his youth career, in which he reached the Top 30 in 2015, he competed in Prato and Milan. And as a professional he has played in Bologna, San Benedetto del Tronto, Francavilla al Mare, Cordenons, Genoa, Como, L’Aquila, Manerbio and this week for the first time in Rome.

“Their cities bring back beautiful memories,” says the Chilean.

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This Sunday at the Internazionali BNL d’Italia he will surely create one of his most valuable memories as a tennis player when he faces a No. 1 in the PIF ATP Rankings for the first time. He will face none other than Novak Djokovic in the third round of the Italian Masters 1000. Before that match, the world No. 32 spoke to about his nomadic lifestyle, his travel routine and his talent for avoiding jetlag.

Two non-sneaker-related essentials you always pack for your trips?
Lately I’ve been traveling with my console for days off. I play FIFA and Call of Duty to distract myself and do something different when the competition allows it. I also carry a small photo of my girlfriend.

Have you ever forgotten something important?

Many times! The one I remember most is when I lost my wallet in Brazil, going to a tournament. We were on a layover in Sao Paulo, and I left my wallet at the security checkpoint. Luckily I had given my coach a card earlier to pay for his luggage, so we didn’t run out of money.

And then they found the wallet and I had to go back to Sao Paulo about a month later… just to pick it up! They had saved it for me. I’ve had some problems losing things, but we’ve gotten through it. Those on my team annoy me a lot because I am very forgetful. And they’re always checking to see if I left something out.

Favorite city on the tour?

I really like all the cities in Italy. I have fond memories of when he was a boy and still played for Canada (his country of birth). I stayed for several months playing matches in this country. So I’ve been around it a lot. His cities bring back beautiful memories for me.

What is your favorite vacation destination?

I haven’t had that many vacations because when I’m not competing I prefer to stay at home resting and with my people. Or, maximum, go to any city near Santiago. But the last time I went to Mar de Plata (Argentina) with my girlfriend and my family. I loved it. It was nice to be with the people I love.

How do you overcome jetlag and acclimatize to the local time zone?

Fortunately he has never hit me. My first day in Australia, for example, was perfect. In fact, when I won Auckland, I came on a Thursday morning and trained. I played qualifying on Saturday, and ended up winning the tournament. It was incredible. So that I don’t get jetlag, I simply monitor the time on the flight. Depending on that, I fall asleep or distract myself so that he doesn’t hit me when he arrives.

Watching series or movies can help distract you during a flight. Which is your favorite?

Friends. I have repeated it to myself several times and I have followed it for a long time. My favorite characters are Chandler and Joey.

Taking care of your body is essential as a tennis player. How do you protect it when traveling?

In addition to sleeping as much as possible and seeing when I arrive if I need to talk to the physical trainer, I travel with some understanding boots that serve to take care of myself. I take this aspect very seriously.

What is your craziest travel story?

It was with Tomás Barrios. Precisely in Italy. We had gone to Lugano for a couple of days and were heading to Como for the night. We got on a train and we didn’t know that they were the ones that separate. Ours caught the wrong side and we arrived at midnight in another city that we didn’t know. We had to get on another train and figure out how to get back.

Do you usually go to the airport with plenty of time or do you arrive with just enough time?

With almost no time. I’m a mess. I’m trying to improve because my girlfriend, when she travels with me, I stress her badly. She is used to arriving three hours early and I, about an hour and a half. Always on the limit. We are one minute away from closing the door. But we have gotten away.


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